Our Constitution was built on the ALPA model, our Technicians felt it important to incorporate the ideas and principles our membership found most important in union representation.

  1. A Democratic Voice and Vote for every Technician.

  2. Elected Union Officers and Representatives

  3. Professional Representation with Legal Counsel when our membership faces FAA investigations and their Certificates are on the line.

  4. Open Negotiations for our Technicians to observe their contract negotiations.

  5. Technician Locals to provide the best possible representation to all of our United Airlines Technicians.

From Page 3 of Our Constitution

"The Objectives of the Air Line Technicians Association"


(1) To provide representation for all members of the airline/aerospace technicians profession and related trades; to promote the interests of those professions in all its aspects; and to safeguard the rights, individually and collectively, of its members.

(2) To safeguard, with ceaseless vigilance, the safety of scheduled/non‐scheduled air transportation in recognition of the high degree of public trust, confidence, and responsibility placed on the members.

(3) To advance and promote the professional image of the airline/aerospace technician and related trades in the business and educational communities, and with the public at large.

(4) To establish and exercise the right of collective bargaining for the purposes of making and maintaining employment agreements covering rates of pay, rules, and working conditions for the members of the Association, and to settle promptly disputes and grievances which may arise between such members and their employers.

(5) To establish fair rates of compensation, minimum hours of employment, and uniform principles of seniority for members of the Association, and to seek the adoption and perpetuation thereof.

(6) To obtain suitable health, retirement, and disability benefits for all members of the Association through legislation, collective bargaining, and other means.

(7) To disseminate news in any manner to keep Association members alert and well informed in all matters relating to their profession.

(8) To provide a means for participation by members of the Association in resolution of issues that affect the airline/aerospace technician and related profession.