ALTA - Air Line Technicians Association

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Lee Seham-McCaskill Outsourcing Bill

Airlines Outsourcing Maintenance by Lee Seham

Professional Union Representation

Four Teamsters Lies told to kill our United CARP Grievance

Southwest Airlines Decline in Safety

United Techs help Defeat Teamsters at US Airways and AMR

AIR 21 Whistle Blower Protections

UAL Technicians CARP Grievance Case factual Review

ALTA Techs fight for MCO Rights

ALTA Campaign Update

Lee Seham defends Our RIghts To Organize

SSMP Letter to United on Organizing Rights

McCaskill Aircraft Maintenance Outsourcing Bill

Compare Unions TWU ALTA AMFA and the smallest IBT

SFO ALTA Paid Contract Reps

Professional Legal Counsel Seham Seham Meltz and Petersen

Thank you from Captain Sully US Airways

ALTA Local Solidarity and the Airline MEC Model

ALTA Solidarity Across the United System

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SFOLX Technicians support ALTA

SFOOV Overhaul Techs Support ALTA

Chicago is on board

ALTA takes a new lead in Houston IAH

Solidarity for ALTA in LAX

MCO Technicians over 50%

Denver Local AMTs support ALTA 75%


AMFA SWA TA Press Release 6-27

AMFA Southwest Contract Update #66

American Airlines Negotiations Update 6-29

AMR TWU AA Proposal Clarification

AMFA ASA Transition Agreement

ASA VIrgin Seniority Integration

AMR TWU 591 President Petersen's May Update

AMR TWU 514 President Danker May Update

AMR TWU 591 President Petersen's April Update

AMR TWU 514 President Danker April Update

ALTA Our Union Structure;

SFO ALTA Paid Contract Reps

The Airline MEC

ALTA Paid Shop Stewards

ALTA Organizing Committees for the Technicians of United Airlines

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ALTA - An Introduction

ALTA - Local Dues

ALTA - Professional Legal Representation

ALTA - The Right Decision

How will ALTA Representation be different?

Organizing Rights Under the RLA

ALTA - A Union of Professionals

ALTA - Building a Union for Our Junior Technicians











The Truth about the Teamsters at United Airlines

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Decades of Teamsters Concessions

Teamsters Concessions The 8 Year Pay Progression

IBT UAL Industry Reset or 1% Raise? .41 cents!

Profit Sharing Loss - Thanks Teamsters

IBT Average Concessionary Comparison T/A

Teamsters Attendance Policy History

IBT UAL Attendance Policy LOA

Teamsters Outsource Our Work to Vendors on the Property

Teamsters 6 years of failure at the new United

Paying More for Less at United

What Do You Pay in Dues to the Teamsters

Teamsters deny subUAL Mechanics CARP Benefits for 6 years

Grievance Case and Facts

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UAL Technicians Rebuttal of IBT Pension Arbitration Denial

The Teamsters Theft of UAL CARP Benefits 8 page brief

The Teamsters Theft of UAL CARP Benefits Part 1 (Flier)

Teamsters Lawyers Deny Arbitration Rights of UAL Techs

Part #2 Teamsters theft of UAL CARP Benefits brief

Part #2 IBT theft of UAL CARP Benefits (flier)

How Much did sub UAL Techs lose in CARP

CARP Part #3 The Company shall not Maintain a defined benefit (document)

Part #3 The Company shall not Maintain unless... (flier)

UAL Techs Fight Teamsters union over UAL CARP Arbitration

Part #4 The CARP theft Grievance Review ...(flier)

Part #4 The CARP theft Grievance Review (document)

United Techs help defeat the IBT at AFL-CIO carriers

United Techs help Defeat Teamsters at US Airways and AMR

UAL Technicians CARP Grievance Review

Teamsters give concessions in a time of record profits

Teamsters outsourcing our future at United Airlines

Our United Locals